**IMPORTANT INFORMATION - School Closed for Children February 1st due to Strike Action.**
Ongoing Events for Parents and Carers:
Every Monday - Parents Coffee Morning 9.15-10.30
Every Tuesday - Parents 'Walk n Talk' with Shipa 9:15
Every Tuesday - Toddler Group with Shabana and the PCT 2pm
Every Wednesday - Ladies Yoga and exercise class with Ameneh 9:15
Workshops for Parents and Carers:
Education, Health and Wellbeing Workshop - Year 1 Tuesday 31st January 9:00am
Nursery Curriculum: Goals 5-8 - Wednesday 8th February 9:00am and repeated at 2:45pm
Healthy Relationship Awareness Workshop for Parents (coffee morning -north PCT room)- 6th February, 9.15-10.30
Class Trips and Visits:
Y1 Trip - Postal Museum - Oak: Wednesday 11th January, Willow: 25th Jan, Maple:1st Feb
Y2 Trip - Soanes Centre - 6th, 7th, 8th Feb
Y2 Trip - Jewish Museum - 28th Feb, 23rd March
Y3 - Trip National Gallery - Oak/Willow: 17th Jan; Maple/Pine: 26th Jan
Y4 Trip - British Library - Willow: 12 Jan; Maple: 19th Jan; Oak: 26th Jan; Pine: 9th Feb
Y5 Trip - Natural History Museum - Willow/Maple: 17th Jan; Pine/Oak: 25th Jan
Y5 Trip - Bank of England - Oak/Willow: 23rd Feb;
Year 6 Trip - Museum of London Docklands - Pine/Willow: 31st Jan; Oak/Maple 3rd Feb
Term Dates:
Half Term: Monday 13 February - Friday 17 February 2023
End of Term: Friday 31st March (break up 1pm)