Ongoing Events for Parents and Carers:
Every Monday - Parents Coffee Morning 9.15-10.30am
Every Tuesday - Parents 'Walk n Talk' with Shipa. 9:15am
Every Wednesday - Ladies Yoga and exercise class with Ameneh. 9:15am
Workshops for Parents and Carers:
Week Beginning 23rd September: Tapestry workshops for nursery parents and new reception parents. Details to follow
Nursery: Curriculum - Mon 7th October, 9am and 2:45pm with Louisa
Reception Reading at Home - Mon 14th October, 9am with Louisa
Y1: Reading at Home Tuesday 22nd October, 9am with Tallula
Trips and Visits
View the full calendar here for all upcoming events
Term Dates
New Term: - Wednesday 4th September
Half Term: Friday 25th October