Pass-it-on uniform swap weeks
Following last year’s success, we will have our ‘Pass it on’ weeks again. During the ‘Pass it on’ weeks children do not need to wear their school uniform; instead they can come into school wearing appropriate clothes of their own choice - we recommend simple sports clothes or PE kits.
We would like to ask you to donate unwanted school T-shirts, cardigans and jumpers (with school logo) at any of the 4 school gates during the ‘Pass it on Weeks’. Staff and children from the school council will be there to receive the We will then wash, dry, fold and pack the spare uniform tops, and add a clear sizing label. Once this is completed, we will organise a ‘Pass it on’ give-away event. Parents can come into the playground at the end of the day and help themselves to the donated uniform, this is all free of charge.
The aims for ‘Pass it on’ weeks are as follows:
Prevent waste: unwanted uniforms are not thrown away so we support the environment.
Save families money: by giving away unwanted uniform tops, families do not need to purchase uniform tops in shops.
Dates are as follows:
July 1st - July 12th: No need to wear a school uniform
July 1st to July 3rd: Donate school uniform at the school gates.
July 11th and 12th: ‘Pass it on event’ in the school playground. Please come and help yourself!
July 15th onwards: All children to wear school uniform
We would like Year 6 to give their uniforms if they don’t have any younger brothers or sisters at the school. Therefore if they have given away all their uniform, they must wear their PE kit to school in the last week of school.
Polling Reminder
Please be aware that school is CLOSED for children on 4th July for Polling Day. There is no school that day for any children and staff will have an INSET training day. Thank you
Sports Days
All parents have been sent an email for the relevant sports days. Please read these carefully for all information. Thank you.