Remember to return your chrome books, ipads and chargers next week.
Remember to return all your school reading books.
We can then prepare all our resources for next year.
Thank you!
Whole School Summer Fair - Wednesday 19th July from 3pm
Early Years Sports days - 18th and 19th July
Pass it On Uniform Week 10th-20th July
Monday 17th July - Nursery Closed for transition day
Ongoing Events for Parents and Carers:
Every Monday - Parents Coffee Morning 9.15-10.30
Every Tuesday - Parents 'Walk n Talk' with Shipa 9:15
Every Tuesday - Toddler Group with Shabana and the PCT 2pm
Every Wednesday - Ladies Yoga and exercise class with Ameneh 9:15
Term Dates:
New Term: Monday 5 June – Friday 21 July 2023
End of term 1pm.