Enjoying our Learning
Everyone has been fully focused on developing our values this term. We have been especially Respectful of the visitors who have been in to see us to share their careers with us, and this has helped us to think about how ambitious were want to be, and the new things we want to try. We are becoming more Independent as in Key Stage 2 we now make our way calmly into our classrooms after lunch without having to line up. This means we are back into classes much quicker, ready to continue our lessons.
Read our Class News to see how our Learning Behaviours are evident across the school and see our great work and the wide variety of experiences we have been having.
Don't forget to ask your child if they have received one of the celebratory postcards from our teachers.
Remember you can go to the Curriculum section of our website to find out all about what your children are learning at school.
Don't forget to go to the Parental Engagement page for further updates on opportunities in school and across Tower Hamlets and check out the important dates below.
Thank you for your continued support of your child's learning and our school.
Enjoy our newsletter!