**PARENT-TEACHER MEETINGS: Tuesday 15th, Thursday 17th (+Wednesday 16th for 3 Pine)
Ongoing Events:
Every Monday - Parents Coffee Morning 9.15-10.30
Every Tuesday - Parents 'Walk n Talk' with Shipa 9:15
Every Tuesday - Toddler Group with Shabana and the PCT 2pm
Every Wednesday - Ladies Yoga and exercise class with Ameneh 9:15
Parent workshop - Emotional Wellbeing with Shabana from 9.00-11.00, Parent room - ongoing sessions each Tuesday
Y1 Trips - East London Mosque - Willow: Monday 21st Nov, Maple: Monday 28th Nov, Oak: Wednesday 30th Nov
Y4 Trip - Tate Britain - Willow/Pine: Friday 11th Nov, Maple/Oak: Thursday 24th November
Y2 Trip - Tower of London - Maple: Thursday 1st Dec, Oak: Thursday 8th Dec, Willow: Wednesday 14th Dec
Y6 Trip - Science Museum - Oak/Maple: Tuesday 13th Dec, Willow/Pine: Wednesday 14th Dec
Break up for Christmas Holidays - Friday 16th December at 1pm
Spring Term starts - Wednesday 4th Jan