The uniform at Stepney Park Primary School includes:
- A purple T-shirt with the school logo
- A purple jumper or cardigan with the school logo
- Grey trousers or a skirt/dress (Children can wear grey tights or black leggings underneath a skirt/dress.)
- Black shoes
In Summer, children can also wear grey shorts or a purple gingham dress:
If a child wears a hijab, this should be plain grey, black, white or purple.
Jewellery and backless shoes (including sandals and flip-flops) should not be worn in school.
All items of clothing must be clearly labelled with the child's name.
PE Kit
Non-branded white t-shirt (no Nike, Adidas etc)
Black shorts or leggings/non-branded tracksuit
If your child wears a hijab, a sports hijab must be worn for PE.
Where to purchase our school uniform
You can buy all parts of our school uniform requiring a logo from Andrew Hyde Schoolwear; you can access their online shop here.
In addition, our uniform is available from two local suppliers:
Khalsa School Wear
388-390 Bethnal Green Road
E2 0AH
0207 729 3286
Ocean Design School Wear
10 Watney Market
E1 2PR
0207 702 8881
Lost Property
It is the responsibility of pupils to look after their own belongings.
Staff support pupils to do this by reminding them to collect their own things at transition points and developing their sense of pride and value in themselves and their belongings through PSHE lessons. All labelled clothes are quickly returned to pupils. Parents must support pupils by labelling all belongings so that they can be found or returned easily. You can buy packs of labels https://www.stikins.co.uk/ or from other providers.
Unlabelled items will be collected in 2 large boxes on each site. It is parents' responsibility to look through these when items are lost.
Every half-term these items will be removed and either donated to charity shops or washed and sold as second hand.