Year 2 Keep Working Wonderfully!
Every day we look forward to seeing your work! Take a look at a selection here. We wish we could share it all.
We have loved the range of learning you have shared with us - videos of you reading stories, your pictures, your thoughts, even when you ask for help it let's us know that you are there and that we can be there for you.
Thank you children and families for all your hard work and continuing to learn and develop at home. We can't do our jobs without you!
Mikhail from 2 Oak took time to write a super story and upload it onto his daily slides. Fiona was able to spot his great use of adjectives in his writing. We have seen other examples of this sort of thoughtful and neat writing in all the classes. Amelia in 2 Willow drew a superb picture of the Gingerbread House to go with her writing and Tallula could tell she concentrated really hard.
Whenever you upload your work, we feel so proud of you.
We have been very impressed with the maths work we have seen in your books. Zahra from 2 Pine really impressed Christine with her carefully calculations really neatly presented. She thought the way her digits were each clearly in 1 block made it so easy to check the work. Zahra extended her work with careful reasoning and explanation.
Harun from 2 Maple took his time to respond to his reading by thinking carefully about the setting and drew a careful picture including the characters. Beth was really impressed with his joined letters too.
We can't wait to share more super work in the next newsletter. So keep on uploading your work every day