Great Home Learning in Year 1
We are so proud of the amount of work pupils are doing at home! Keep sharing it with us.
The teachers have been really enjoying the daily Meets and seeing how engaged the pupils are. We know that parents are crucial in helping with this and we all say a big THANK YOU for your support. We really enjoy going into the Classroom and seeing the great work you are uploading. We are going to share some here.
Year 1s have been trying really hard with our daily writing. It's so creative!
Can you spot our capital letters and full stops?
Fabulous writing from Aleena in 1 Pine Super sentences from Usayd in 1 Willow
Aneesha from 1 Oak has been working hard doing Subtraction in maths and sharing it with us.
We love to see your work online!
Safaa from 1 Maple showed us how she was using building blocks to do her subtraction!
It is really great to see so much of the work you are doing when we visit the Google Classroom. Remember we want you to use your book as often as possible so that it helps you to practise your writing. Then upload it so we get to see it, just like Saara from 1 Oak did with her story sequencing.
We look forward to sharing more work in the next newsletter.