Christmas Countdown!

We have had some great experiences this term.
Year 6
Last week all of Year 6 went on a very exciting trip to the theatre. Other than Mersea, this was our first trip out of school and we were so excited. We travelled to Monument and then walked along the river opposite London Bridge station. We arrived at a theatre called ‘The Unicorn Theatre’ to see a play called, ‘Odd and the Frost Giants.’ This was the general outline...
‘Odd's luck has been bad so far. He lost his father on a Viking expedition, his foot was crushed beneath a tree, and the winter seems to be going on forever. But when Odd flees to the woods and releases a trapped bear, his luck begins to change. The eagle, bear and fox he encounters reveal they're actually Norse gods, trapped in animal form by the evil frost giants who have conquered Asgard, the city of the gods...Can a twelve-year-old boy reclaim Thor's hammer, outwit the frost giants and release the gods? With Neil Gaiman's wit and style, this story transcends the everyday and becomes a humorous, rich and layered tale of a life lived courageously.’
We all loved the play, especially the music, bubbles and snow. The characters were funny and very well acted. Read below to see what some of our Year 6 children thought.
6 Oak - ‘I liked everything about the play, especially the Gods.’ Elizah
6 Willow - ‘Fantastic!’ Farasha
6 Maple - ‘I thought it was great and I loved the part where Thor tied up Loki.’ Arif
6 Pine - ‘I liked it when Odd freed Loki from the ropes.’ Ridwan
Year 5
Year 5 had a fantastic visit from the London Fire Brigade this week. They learnt about how fires are caused and what to do if there is ever a fire in their home.
Maryam explained that, “We learnt what to do if there is a fire. If the fire is outside your room, go to the window and shout “FIRE!”. Ayaan added that, “If you are not sure whether the fire is outside your room, you can put the back of your hand on the door handle and if it is hot, it means the fire is outside the door.”
Masud explains the importance of shutting doors during a fire: “If there is a fire, evacuate and close the doors behind you to stop the fire spreading.”
Farhan and Hafsa explained to me what people should do in their house to prevent a fire. Farhan told me, “You should make sure that you have a fire alarm in your house and each month you need to test it.” Hafsa explained that unattended candles can cause fires and explained, “Don’t put candles underneath anything as they can cause a fire.”
You can find out more about fire safety by going to the London Fire Brigade website and you can book a safety check too.
Year 4
Year 4 have been learning how to sew in the art studio. They learnt how to cut and trim fabric and how to tie a knot, thread a needle and do a running stitch. They used these skills to create textile maps. Their maps show islands with fabric contours outlining hills and mountains.
The contours represent different heights in meters above sea level. They have sewn on different geographical features like forest, beaches and rivers using buttons, beads, sequins, pompoms, ribbon and wool.
Year 3
3 Willow have continued to have a great time at Stepney Park Primary School! We’ve been swimming many times so far at Mile End leisure centre and have made great progress since the start of the year. We’re swimming every Monday until the end of Year 3 in July.
We have finished making a bridge for our DT project. We started by practising different ways of joining materials and making them stand up before creating a bridge collaboratively in groups of three. 3 Willow were surprised by how much weight our bridges could hold after we supported them with beams.
Also, 3 Willow have continued to do some excellent writing in English. We’ve completed non-fiction report writing about the Stone Age (please read Amelia’s!) and are now focusing on narrative writing about the book Grimwood.
For RE, we’ve started learning more about Hinduism and have been focusing on the festival of lights, Diwali. 3 Willow have read the story of Rama and Sita and discussed why this is important to many Hindus.
Year 2
Two Willow were thrilled to go on a trip to the Tower of London last week. We were able to try new things by safely negotiating the District Line to get to Tower Hill. We looked after each other at the Tower. It was a very cold day but we still walked the ramparts, saw some London landmarks and were dazzled by the Crown Jewels.
We were amazed by the size of the ravens which need to stay or there is a story that the Tower might crumble and fall!! We had a great day!!
Year 1
Over the last few weeks, Year 1 has been ‘showing curiosity’ and learning about artists is the art studio with Helen. All of the children have been using their mark making skills like Vincent Van Gogh, to create their own charcoal portrait. They have also started their own evaluation book that will stay with them until Year 6.
In our Geography lessons, we have been exploring the UK and learning about the 4 countries that make up the United Kingdom and human and physical features of Geography. For example, “a mountain is a physical feature and buildings are a human feature”. We have also learnt what aerial maps are and had a go at labelling what we can see!
We have also started reading a new book in English called ‘The Gingerbread Man’. We’re very excited to see where the learning will take us as we are currently learning to write instructions, like a recipe.
Please continue to read with your child through the week, and have a good weekend.
This week, Reception Willow have been learning all about postal workers! We read the story Postman Bear and learnt about all the features of letters and envelopes.
We then had a go at writing our own letters to Santa.
We were ambitious like Abby the Ant and had a go and writing our letters all by ourselves. Enjoy reading our amazing letters!