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Great experiences this term

Who has been to the zoo this term?

Year 5

5 Willow have had a fabulous time learning about Space in Science! As part of the unit, we have been reading a book called ‘Professor Astro Cat’s Frontiers of Space’. Here are some exciting facts the children wanted to share with you: 

It takes over 60,000 Earth days for Neptune to orbit the Sun 

whereas Earth takes 365 days to orbit the sun.”  
  "There are two types of planet: terrestrial and gas planets. The terrestrial planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They are made of rock and metal.“
   “Saturn has beautiful rings around it which are made of ice.”

  "The planet Uranus was very interesting.  Fun fact! This planet spins on a horizontal axis!”  

Make sure you ask your child for an interesting fact! They are now Space experts! 

Year 4

Year 4 had an exciting trip to the London Zoo as part of the science curriculum, specifically observing animals and their habitats.

In class the children were learning about vertebrates and how they are grouped into five main categories based on their characteristics. The groups are mammals, birds,  amphibians, fish and reptiles.

At the Zoo we identified most of the animals from the five categories. We found lemurs, giraffes and zebras.


We thoroughly enjoyed walking around and looking at the animals. We continued looking at ostriches, Indian tigers, camels and gorillas. Sadly the zoo maintenance people were fixing the gorilla’s cage therefore we couldn’t see all of them. We saw magnificent lions taking their afternoon nap. Therefore we were ever so quiet around them as we didn’t want to disrespect and disturb them.

Year 3

3 Willow have had a great start to the school year!  We’ve already been swimming four times at Mile End leisure centre and started learning new things, especially Spanish.  In Spanish, Paola has been teaching us how to greet each other in Spanish (¡Hola!  ¡Beunos Dias!)  Ask your child if they can greet you in Spanish.

We’ve also finished reading three class books: The Day the Crayons Quit, The Day the Crayons Came Home and Flyntlock Bones and the Eye of Mogdrod. 

We’ve written three excellent letters about the crayons (please read Yacub’s).  Now, we’re starting to write a story about Leon and the Place Between as well as learning how to read poetry out loud with confidence.

For Science, we’ve finished learning many new things about plants.  We’ve learnt about what plants need to survive, the main parts of a plant and flower as well as germination. 

Over the past few weeks, we’ve observed kidney beans and pinto beans germinating and written our observations with scientific vocabulary.

Year 2

We have settled really well into Year 2 in Willow Class. We have tried new things and been ambitious with our learning with the new year 2 curriculum. We have been responsible for being aware of the new expectations and routines.




Year 2 working ambitiously on the Year 2 curriculum

We have been empathetic and supportive to any children who have found the transition difficult. In coming to Year 2 we have used so many of our learning behaviours.


Year 2 developing their new routines

Year 1

Over the last two weeks, Year 1 has been ‘Trying new things’ and learning how to use their new chromebooks. All of the children have been very excited to receive them and now becoming faster when logging on to them. If you would like to join us and learn how to use them, we will hold a parent workshop on the 4th October for Maple parents, 11th October for Willow parents and 14th October for Oak parents.  

In our Geography lessons, we have been exploring our school and using directional language to describe where things are. For example, “The desk is next to the whiteboard”. We have also learnt what aerial maps are and had a go at creating our own!

We have also started reading a new book in English called ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. We’ve used the characters to write about and describe them. We labelled the wolf first then the next day added more description to the wolf. From this, we will be writing simple sentences!

Please continue to read with your child through the week, and have a good weekend.


Reception Willow have loved going to the Woodlands since they started school! They are curious just like Corey and love seeing what minibeasts they can find hidden underneath logs and stones. Imtiaz said ‘We found a centipede and a worm’. They also really enjoy climbing the tree and hill. They try their best and are so good at having a go and trying new things.  Well done!