Headteacher's News
All the most recent news from Edith
Friday 11th June 2021
Dear parents and carers of Stepney Park Primary School,
Welcome back. Finally, summer has arrived! It is lovely to be able to spend more time outdoors, although even warm weather can cause some issues- more on this below:
Water bottles:
Children are still not able to use the school’s water fountains, so please make sure they have their water bottles with them each day, in particular now the weather is so hot.
Uniform and lost property
Thank you to all parents who have made such a great effort to ensure that their children are now wearing the correct uniform. We are seeing fewer and fewer tracksuit bottoms, leggings without skirts/ dresses and white T-shirts. The children are looking smart and ready to learn!
Due to the warm weather, it would be better if children did not bring their school jumpers in. When children get warm at break times, they take their jumper off, which seems to result in an increased amount of lost property. Please make sure that your child's name is on all school uniform items, in particular on all coats and jumpers. We now have ‘lost property boxes’ in both playgrounds. Please have a look in there with your child at the end of the day if your child has lost something.
School Backpacks
I have recently seen a number of children arriving at school with a lovely new backpack, they seem to find carrying their things much easier that way. The backpack is in the school colour purple , has the school Logo and is large enough to hold a water bottle, a Chromebook, a reading book and even a PE kit. I am told that ‘Ocean Uniform shop sells them and that Khalsa is looking into it too. The smaller backpack costs £16.99 and the larger one is sold for £18.99.
There is no pressure on parents to buy these, but I thought I’d mention it as they look nice, are spacious and look very durable.
School Photos
The school photographer will visit the school on June 21st ( North) June 22nd (South). They will take individual photos as well as class photos.
Music/ Swimming next year
We are very pleased to announce that we will (hopefully) return to swimming lessons for Year 4 and Year 5 next year.
We are also planning for our Music provision for next year, and are very happy to tell you that all children from Yr 1 to Yr 6 will receive professional music instrumental tuition. Year 1 and 2 will learn to play the African drum, Year 3 and 4 will learn to play the Recorder and Year 5 and 6 will learn to play the Ukulele (a small string instrument, similar to a guitar).
Relationship, Health Education and Sex Education (Yr 6 only) consultation - Google Form questionnaire
All Zoom meetings have now taken place. Thank you to all parents who have attended, asked questions and who have made comments.
Please follow this link if you would like to share some further thoughts and comments. I will be feeding back to the Governing Body on Jun 30th, so please respond by Jun 28th.
I do hope you will enjoy reading the rest of our children’s newsletter.
Kind regards,
Edith Philipsen
Headteacher- Stepney Park Primary School