Headteacher's News 7.5.21

All the most recent news from Edith
Friday 7th May 2021
Dear parents and carers of Stepney Park Primary School,
I hope you are all well, let's hope that the weather will change soon so we can all enjoy some nice summer weather. Fingers crossed for this weekend.
I hope you will enjoy reading the children’s newsletter and my messages too.
As you may know, Eid will be on Wednesday, May 12th or Thursday, May 13th. As this will depend on the sighting of the moon, we will only know on which day this falls on the evening before. We will text families once we have confirmation.
Our school will be closed for an Occasional Closure day on that day, but we will be able to offer free childcare to parents who need it. Please email using the admin email address if you would like childcare between 9.00 am and 3.30pm. There will not be any before and after school childcare clubs that day.
Friday May 14th will be a day to celebrate Eid at school. This will be a non-uniform day, and children may wish to bring £1.00 to donate to charity. Our Change Ambassador groups will decide to which charity the money will be donated. We will have a party for the children that day too, and we will provide the food and drink for this.
We wish our families ‘Eid Mubarak’!
School Uniforms
We still have too many children who come in dressed in leggings or tracksuit bottoms. Please make sure your child wears the correct school uniform.
Here is a link to our website if you would like to check what is allowed and what is not allowed:
We are setting up a Lost Property system in the school, and it would really help us to assist you if you ensure that all clothing is labelled with your child’s name. It would be better if clothes have sewn in or ironed in labels instead of written labels, as they will wash out over time.
Parents meetings
We will be holding online parents meetings in the week beginning May 24th, your child’s teacher will be arranging a suitable time to meet you. We will email your child’s report about a week beforehand.
EYFS ‘messy’ play
Children in EYFS regularly take part in ‘messy’ play. This will involve using sand, mud, glue, paint etc. Whilst we will do our best to ensure that children will wear aprons, wellies and wash their hands, we cannot ensure they (and their clothes) will be as clean as they were when you dropped them off in the morning.
Messy play is an essential part of healthy childhood development and is part of the statutory curriculum.
The EYFS teachers can provide parents with more information about this important aspect of the EYFS curriculum if this concerns them.
Gang and online safety Zoom meeting for Year 5 and Year 6 parents
It was great to see so many Yr 5 and Yr 6 parents online on Wednesday evening.
Here is a link to some useful information about gangs, in case you have missed the meeting and would like some more information: https://www.stepneypark.towerhamlets.sch.uk/_site/data/files/users/information/F076CAA79A8A893E3B42834C60B8F7D7.pdf
Our website has lots more safeguarding information on this topic, please check it out as we update this section regularly.
Please report any anti-social behaviour you may notice in our community to the police, or email us if you have any concerns. We’d be happy to report things on your behalf. The more we raise our concerns, the higher the chance is that actions will be taken by the police (e.g increased patrolling) or by the Council (e.g install CCTV) to make our area safer.
Covid 19 variants of concern
We have been asked to encourage our families to take part in Covid 19 Surge testing, as there have been confirmed cases of Covid 19 variants of concern in our postcode area.
Please follow this link if you would like more information:
Kindest regards
Edith Philipsen
Headteacher- Stepney Park Primary School.