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Headteacher's Letter 26.4.21

All the most recent news from Edith

Monday 26th April 2021

Dear parents and carers of Stepney Park Primary School

School Uniform:

As you know we are having a big push to ensure that our children wear the correct school uniform. We know that some families are struggling to ensure that this is the case, some parents have reported they are unable to find the correct size trousers. We are also worried that some parents may struggle to buy new uniforms for financial reasons.

Pease let us know if you need help, we will do everything we can, including buying or helping you to buy the correct clothes.

The following items are our highest priorities:

Yes :

  • Grey school type trousers or shorts (we will accept black school type trousers/ shorts but only for this school year) 

  • Grey skirt

  • Grey dress/ purple gingham dress 

  • Black or grey leggings worn under a dress or skirt only

No :

  • Tracksuit bottoms

  • Leggings without a dress or skirt

  • Grey jeans or non school type grey trousers

  • White T-shirts 

Please remember to ensure that your child wears a coat to school each day too. 


Remember to complete the Google Form as soon as possible, if you require child care before or after school. The childcare clubs, charged at £2.50 per session, will start on May 10th.

Visits abroad:

Please do not book holidays or visits abroad unless you can be sure that your children will not miss any time from school upon return.  We are not expected to provide Remote Education during their absence for this reason.

Gang and Online safety: Zoom meeting for Year 5 and Year 6 parents:

We will invite all Year 5 and Year 6 parents to a Zoom meeting to be held on May 4th from 4pm. We can’t do this on Google Meet, as this will only allow up to 100 participants.  The meeting will be around 30 to 40 minutes long and will have the theme: Gangs and Online Safety.  I would encourage all parents of both boys and girls to attend this meeting.  I think it could be very useful for everyone, even if they are not worried about their child’s exposure to gangs and online dangers at this point.  The children are all growing up fast and as they get older will need to be educated by all of us about the dangers they will face as they grow up.

Please remember that the school is closed on May 6th for an INSET day.

Kindest regards 

Edith Philipsen

Headteacher- Stepney Park Primary School