Great Learning Behaviours
The teachers are proud to celebrate their children's great work.
Curiosity in Year 6 Art
Year 6 Willow have been in the Art Studio. They were challenged to answer the following questions…
How can you represent a continent using clay?
Using clay, can you represent physical features, such as a forest or a mountain range?
How will clay react with water?
How can you make your model unique?
Year 4 show Curiosity in Science
In Science, we’ve been learning about how to classify plants and animals into different groups. We used a classification key to identify different types of plants in the woodlands! We found mosses, ferns, conifers and flowering plants.
In addition, we have been learning about two habitats; the rainforest and the pond. Luckily, we were able to observe what lives in our school pond. We even managed to find some tadpoles!
Year 3
In 3 Willow, everyone is settling into Key Stage 2 really well. The children are enjoying getting to know their new peers and are learning how we can uphold the right to learn, the right to be safe and the right to be respected in year 3. Our Class Charter was made at the beginning of the year and shows how we all plan on making our classroom and school the best environment it can be.
In maths, we have been looking at numbers up to 100 and 1000 and how we can represent them using drawings. We are also getting really good at counting in our 2’s, 5’s and 10’s!
In English, we have been reading ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ and using the characters to help us write a letter. We have been using creative adjectives to build an expanded noun phrase. We have also been learning how to use conjunctions like and, so and because to join two parts of a sentence.
Science has been very exciting as we have been looking at plants. So far we have done lots of experiments including; planting cress, planting daffodils and testing herb plants in different environments. We are learning to observe plants over time and are all very excited to see if our predictions are right!
The children have also been enjoying their art sessions with Helen and have worked really hard in the studio creating their forms with clay.
In 3 Willow we are enjoying being curious, ambitious and responsible learners.
Year 5
This week, Year 5 has been writing and publishing letters. Having read the story ‘Malala’s Magic Pencil’, we have been inspired to write about her incredible life to express how inspirational we think she is.
The letters have been written to Assistant Head, David, as we believe that she is a person who has protected and fought for many of the UN Rights of the Child. She has been an activist for education and girls, ensuring that all girls around the world receive an education.
We can’t wait for David to read our letters and hopefully respond!
This week, Reception Willow have been trying new things by going to Woodlands for the first time. We went into the Woodlands so sensibly and showed how in control we are at moving around the school.
We had lots of fun using our senses to explore what we could see, hear, smell and feel and testing our strength by climbing trees.
Take a look at how much we enjoyed challenging ourselves with our climbing skills.
Year 2
In year 2 we have been showing great curiosity in our DT lessons where we have been learning about solid structures. We investigated which made a more stable structure - using a stacked bond or running bond to arrange our bricks. We also found that having a wide base for our foundation made our structures more steady when we simulated earthquakes!
We worked hard in our groups to investigate how to make sturdy structures.
In our design teams, we then experimented with building different structure designs which inspired our final bridge designs. Here are some of our final products which we think you’ll agree look very sturdy!