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Headteacher's News 17.07.24

All the most recent news from Edith

Wednesday 17th July 

Dear parents and carers of Stepney Park Primary School.


I can’t believe I am saying this, but we have finally (almost) reached the end of the school year…! I can tell that the whole school community, including staff and children (as well as many parents, I'm sure !)  is ready for a break. The children are very excited about their upcoming holidays and are ready to be in their new classes when they return.

It has been a fantastic year, both in terms of our test results (see below), as well as the enjoyment and happiness we have seen in our children. So many exciting things have happened this year, in fact too many to sum up, but if you get the chance to read through previous newsletters you will once again be reminded about the fantastic opportunities that our children have come across and taken part in the school year 2023-2024.

We are truly lucky to work/ be educated in such a lovely school. A huge expression of gratitude needs to go to all the staff; from teachers, cooks, caretakers, TAs, pastoral care team, other support staff, admin staff,  to cleaners. They have all worked relentlessly hard to ensure that your children received the education they deserve. Thank you to all!


Year 6

It is sadly time to say goodbye to our year 6 children, who will soon start in year 7. They have been a great year  group, have shown resilience during the harder times and have worked super hard in order to achieve their full potential. We know that they are ready to move onto the next stage of their lives, but we will miss them when they are gone. We are looking forward to their visit next year, perhaps they would like to pop in one day at the end of the school day to say hello and to let us know how they are getting on. We wish them all the best and can’t wait to hear what the future has in store for them. Farewell and good luck Year 6!


Test results.

Our school moves from strength to strength and we are again  above the national (and local) average in all of the most crucial test results!

We are very proud of the following:

  • The proportion of children reaching the expected standard in Y6 at Stepney Park is above the national average in all areas: reading, writing, maths and SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar). Our children were also significantly above average in the combined score (children who reach the expected standard in all of reading, writing and maths). Results are shown after disapplication. 

  • This is the third year in a row that children at Stepney Park have been above the national average in all areas in year 6.

  • The proportion of children who passed the Phonics Screening Check in year 1 was also above the national average:

    • Stepney Park: 83.3%

    • National Average: 80.4%

  • This is the third year in a row that children at Stepney Park have outperformed the national average in the Phonics Screening Check.

  • Inyear 4, 52% of children achieved a perfect score of 25 out of 25 in the Multiplication Tables Check. Though the national average is not yet available, we are expecting that our children will have done significantly better because last year’s national average for 25 out of 25 was 29%.

Congratulations to all staff who have taught our children day in and day out. Their efforts and expertise have really paid off!


Uniform ‘pass it on’ weeks

Thank you to everyone who gave us uniforms to pass on to other families. It was a great success, and it is something we will most definitely will do again next year. Please remember to send your child to school in the correct uniform:

  • Purple T-shirt or top with school logo

  • Grey trousers/ skirts/ dress 

  • Black shoes

  • No leggings without skirt or dress

  • No tracksuit bottoms, unless agreed by staff

  • For PE: plain white T-shirt with plain black leggings or tracksuit


Summer Fair

Please come and join us at school for the summer fair from 3pm to 4pm. Lots of exciting activities are planned and a raffle with great prizes will be held. All profits will go to charity!


Start of the autumn term

Dropping off

  • The 2024-2025 school year will start for children at 8.50 am on Wednesday 4th September. 

  • Please drop children off at one of the four playground gates at that time. 

  • Children in reception need to be dropped off by the gate near the caretaker's house on Redman’s Road, where staff will be waiting to welcome them.  

  • Nursery children need to be dropped off in the south car park by the nursery gate.

    • All Nursery and Reception families will be emailed a Settling Letter before the end of July with more information about start dates.

Picking up

  • Please go and find your child in the year group lining-up area in the playground, staff will be there to help you find the correct location.

  • First week picking up safeguarding arrangements  : 

    • The first week is always a difficult time, as class teachers do not yet know who the parents are and we want to make sure children go home with the appropriate adults only.

    • Therefore: in order for class teachers  to get to know the children and parents in their class, we would like children to be picked up by their parents only.

    • We will assume that only parents are picking up in the first week, and we will ask children to confirm that the person who is picking up is in fact their parent. If this is not the case, we will ask the person who is picking up to wait and we will call you on the number you have given to us to confirm that you have given permission for someone else to pick up instead. Thank you for your patience with this

    • Yr 5 and 6 children will get a letter with a form in the first week. Parents who wish for their child to go home alone can let us know in writing using the form during the first week

    • Yr 5 and 6 children who have permission can go home alone in the second week of term. 

    • After the first week:

    • We are reviewing our systems and will write to parents at the start of term with any changes we need to make with regards to children being picked up by persons other than their parents.

 I want to finish by saying thank you for your continued support this school year. I hope you will have a relaxing and enjoyable summer holiday and hope to see you all again at the start of the next school year.


Kind regards.

Edith Philipsen

Headteacher- Stepney Park Primary School