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Headteacher's Letter 25.3.21

All the most recent news from Edith

Wednesday 24th March, 2021


Dear parents and carers of Stepney Park Primary School,

I can’t believe we have come to the end of the term, we are now two-thirds through the school year..!

Please remember that the term ends on Friday 26th March at 1 pm. The last day of term will be ‘Smile Day’, and all children can come in dressed up as their superheroes.  I hope some of them will choose to dress up as their teacher, because I believe they have all been heroes this year.

The first day of the summer term is April 12th. 

Building Works

After Easter, parents and visitors will need to come to the old Redlands school entrance in Redman’s Road during the day. This will not affect the start and end of the day, as all gates will be open.

Parental Behaviour

I am sad to need to inform you that we have recently had several incidents of poor parental behaviour. Some parents have spoken to staff very rudely, have sworn at staff and have even threatened staff with physical violence.  Some parents have refused to follow our Covid measures, by repeatedly not wearing or removing face coverings or not following the one way system in the playground.

Whlst I understand that everyone is under a great deal of stress and pressure, due to things beyond our control, displaying these sorts of behaviours is not helpful. Not only is it setting a poor example to children who have witnessed such behaviours; it is beginning to have an impact on our staff. 

Our staff are the most dedicated and committed team I have ever come across, they work tirelessly, day in day out for the wellbeing and education of the children in our school. They deserve our respect and gratitude. They deserve to feel safe at school, instead of being worried about being intimidated. As a school we do not tolerate any threats of violence or intimidating behaviour, and any such incidents will be followed up appropriately.  


We are moving closer towards re-starting the school breakfast  club. We will be sending out a Google Form soon after Easter to gather interest, initially this club will only be accessible to  working or studying parents and carers. We are aiming to start after school child care cubs (and maybe some enrichments clubs)  after the May half term.

Sports hijab

Hijab wearing girls are able to wear a sports hijab for PE. The sports hijab is secured with velcro, which is safer.


As you may know, Ramadan will start on Apr 12th.  At Stepney Park, we have decided the following:

  • With parental permission, children in Year 5 and 6, who have started puberty, may fast whilst in school.

  • Parents and children may decide they would like to fast for some of the days, including some but maybe not all school days. This is your choice, we know that you will ensure that your child is ready to observe fasting and that it will be safe for them to do so. 

  • Children who fast are still expected to take part in normal activities, including PE. 

  • Due to Covid restrictions, we will not be able to provide a separate space for fasting children, which will mean they need to be in the dining hall with children in their year group who do not fast.

  • Children will be supervised closely and will be encouraged to break their fast if they are unwell. We will always try to make a phone call home to tell parents if this is the case.

  • Please write a note to your child’s class teacher if you and your child have decided that your child will try to fast

Test and Trace - Financial support 

This is a message from the Department of Education

Parents and carers of children who have been advised to self-isolate by their education setting or by NHS Test and Trace are now able to apply for a Test and Trace Support Payment or discretionary payment of £500, if they meet the eligibility criteria. The extension of the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme, which is administered by district and unitary local authorities in England, ensures that parents receive the financial support they need if they are unable to attend work due to childcare responsibilities. 

Parents and carers should apply to their local authority to receive a payment. Applications for the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme are made via the local authority in which the parent or carer resides, not the local authority where the setting is situated, if these are different. 

To be eligible applicants must meet all of the criteria that:

  • they are the parent or guardian of a child or young person in the same household and need to take time off work to care for them while they self-isolate. This is limited to one parent or guardian per household for the child or young person’s self-isolation period

  • they are employed or self-employed

  • they cannot work from home while undertaking caring responsibilities and will lose income as a result

  • they meet all the other means-tested eligibility criteria for a Test and Trace Support Payment or locally determined criteria for a discretionary payment

  • That their child or young person:

    • is aged 15 or under (or 25 or under with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC)) and normally attends an education or childcare setting

    • has been told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace or by their education or childcare setting because they have been identified as a close contact of someone who has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19)

Once an application for a payment has been received, the local authority will be in touch with your setting to verify the details of the child provided on the application. This will include a check of the child’s name, age, address and days of self-isolation. This check is to minimise the event of fraudulent claims. It may be conducted before or after a payment is made, depending on the arrangements the individual local authority has chosen to put in place.

I hope you will all have a safe and enjoyable Easter Holiday and a good start to Ramadan, if applicable.

I am looking forward to welcoming you all again at the start of the summer term, when hopefully things will begin to be a bit less challenging for all of us

Kindest regards,

Edith Philipsen

Headteacher - Stepney Park Primary School