Interventions and Support at Stepney Park
What we are doing and how you can support us
At Stepney Park we are working incredibly hard on our Recovery Curriculum, making sure that all pupils are given the opportunity to make the best possible progress. As the time away from school due to Covid-19 has impacted pupils in different ways, we have developed a range of intervention groups which will be run in addition to every day class teaching.
Pupils will receive small group support either inside or outside of the classroom setting. They will work with their class teacher, TA or another teacher to help them to make progress and address any gaps in their learning caused by this time away from school.
Supporting at Home
Parents who take on a supportive role in their children’s learning make a difference in improving achievement and engagement.
We encourage you to support us and your child by doing the following things:
give them time at least twice a week to go on the set work on their Chrome Book apps - SumDog, Bug Club and Times Tables Rock Stars. This will support the work they do in school;
encourage them to read daily, rereading shorter books to develop fluency and confidence - and talk to them about their books;
use their report targets to give them additional support at home;
Watch this video for ideas and tips for supporting at home.
Best wishes,
Stepney Park Primary School