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Our School

Welcome to our website and welcome to our school!

My name is Edith Philipsen, and I am the Headteacher of Stepney Park Primary School.

Stepney Park Primary School was founded in September 2020; it is an amalgamation of two two-form entry schools named Redlands Primary School and Smithy Street Primary school. We currently have four forms of entry in years 5 and 6, with three forms of entry in all other year groups. We also have a Nursery with 75 mainly part-time children from age 3 upwards.

Reflecting our local context, a large percentage (around 90%) of our pupils are of Bangladeshi heritage, with our next largest group being those children of Somali heritage. Consequently, many of our children are bilingual. 

We are proud to be an inclusive school: we cater for a very wide range of Special Educational Needs (SEN), including for around 30 children with Education, Health & Care Plans (EHCPs). Two of our classes, 'forest class' and 'meadow class', offer highly specialised additional support for our pupils with SEN with the highest levels of need. We are also proud of the support we offer to small groups of children who are new arrivals, having arrived from overseas as casual entries, with limited or no English.

Our school values are respect, resilience and independence. In order for our children to have opportunities to acquire essential skills and knowledge, and to develop these values in themselves, we have carefully designed our curriculum to fit our unique school environment. We have also taken the opportunity of being a new school to ensure that our wider provision, including for the children's personal development, offers a truly broad and enriching educational experience.

We value working in partnership with parents as co-educators and actively seek to take their views into account. Our ethos is one of openness: parents should feel free to arrange a time to meet with their child’s teacher if they wish to discuss something. We invite parents to meet with us at least twice a year to discuss their child’s learning and progress. In addition, we have other regular events, including: weekly coffee mornings, a weekly exercise class, regular open afternoons and invitations to accompany us on trips.

You will find all the information you need about our school on this website, from term dates to information about our curriculum offer and from school policies, information about staff and the Governing Body to tips for parents and our latest news.

I also write a newsletter to parents most weeks and all previous newsletters are saved on this website.

We welcome communication with parents, so please contact us by email or arrange a meeting if you have any further questions, suggestions or if you have any worries or concerns.

Edith Philipsen

Headteacher- Stepney Park Primary School.