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Great experiences this Summer

There's lots to celebrate as we get closer to the end of term!

Year 6

6 Willow completed their 2024 SATS tests during May. They all worked very hard and we were proud of all their efforts during that week. The following week, 6 Willow visited the science museum where they completed lots of practical challenges. Here are some examples of what they investigated:

  1. We used pulleys to lift himself high off the ground with the minimum of effort.

  2. We looked at how gravity affects how jets of water flow.

  3. We studied the orbit of the moon around the sun 

  4. We learnt about the orbit of the earth around the sun and then had fun making patterns with our hands!

  5. Some of 6 Willow posed against a white wall which acted like a photographic film when a bright light was flashed. When the children moved away, they could see the photos of their poses.

  6. We also had time to look at the Apollo 9 capsule that took astronauts around the moon and an original 'doodlebug’ V2 flying bomb from the Second World War.

Can you match the picture to the description from above?

We had a very successful DT project designing and making their own spaghetti bolognese and chilli rice dishes. They were delicious! 


Year 6 are currently practising hard for their leavers assembly in a couple of weeks.

Year 5

Year 5 have been practising for a very exciting upcoming performance which involves body percussion. This is when you create sounds using your body in time with music! For example, hitting you chest or thighs, clapping or stamping your feet. We will perform a song together as a school, so we have been practising lots to make sure we are on time and doing all the right actions!

We were also lucky enough to be visited by Sandra from the London Fire Brigade who taught us about fire safety. We learnt about some of the most common causes of fires, how to prevent them, and what to do in case there ever was a fire in our homes.

 Year 3

In 3 Oak, we have been learning how to write an explanation report.  We have practised using colons and bullet points and subheadings to make our writing clear.  We have also explained: how Muslims, Christians and Hindus pray; how the Ancient Egyptians turned people into mummies and how we can stay healthy (by eating a balanced diet, regularly exercising and getting enough sleep).  Please read Aiman and Anaya’s writing!

For reading, we have finished reading the Roald Dahl story, Matilda, which we enjoyed a lot!  We are now reading an information book called Amazing Islands.  Please make sure your child is reading for 25 minutes every day as this really helps them to learn new words and improves their grammar and speaking.

Earlier in the month, we visited Toynbee Hall to see a musical called Baddies.  It was performed by the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and included songs about the Big Bad Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood as well as the witch from Hansel and Gretel.  We all had a great time!

This week in 3 Willow we have been trying new things in maths and reading to improve our numeracy and oracy skills.

In maths, we have had a fantastic time using educational games on Nearpod to help us with our knowledge on money. It was great to see so many children doing their best while quizzing each other on this in class. Just ask us to add or subtract any amount of money so we can prove it!

In reading, we have been improving our confidence when speaking in discussions by sharing our most interesting book recommendations every Friday! Recommendation Friday is a wonderful time for many children to share their favourite books from the week, in addition to answering questions about the story or topic and discussing why they enjoyed it so much with the rest of the class. 


Superstar work 3 Willow!


Year 2

In Year 2, we’ve been having lots of fun in the cooking room by creating our very own seasonal couscous dishes. First, we learned about seasonal vegetables, and discussed which vegetables would be the best choice for our couscous dish. Then, we learned how to follow a recipe and how to be safe in a kitchen. After that, we rolled up our sleeves and started to cook our dish! We were responsible in the kitchen by listening to adults and taking turns. We tried new things like weighing our ingredients and carefully using a knife to slice and chop different vegetables. Our teachers were so impressed by how well we collaborated in the cookery room!





2 Willow has shown great curiosity with our Science experiment around the importance of washing our hands. For two weeks we waited on results to see what difference it made to wash our hands and not washing our hands. We all agreed on the conclusion that having clean hands stops germs from spreading and keeps us healthy and well. 

After our Science experiment, our hygiene knowledge got great use in Design and Technology, where we have made sure not to spread germs as we made our seasonal couscous dish. You can read more about it in 2 Oak’s news.

In English we have written diary entries and have exceeded our teachers expectations with our marvellous writing. Writing in the role of Violet the Pilot got our imagination blooming and we really enjoyed adding our own juicy details to the boy scout rescue mission.

Amelia Ruksaan

Year 1

In Year 1 Oak we have been trying new things like Taibah as we have been practising our performance skills for our performances for our adults. We talked about how we need to be loud and clear so we can be heard. We reminded ourselves that we need to be Ruby responsible during our performance. In our performance we collaborated to tell our carers about all the fantastic things we have learnt this year. Wow, we have remembered so much. 

Tallula was so proud of us as we all remembered our lines and said them clearly. We felt a little bit nervous but we were very ambitious like Abby and we all felt very happy with ourselves afterwards. We hope you enjoyed our performance! 


1 Willow went to the London Aquarium and had a fabulous time. We went from Stepney Green to Westminster on the District line. When we left the tube we were both curious and thrilled to see famous London landmarks such as the Houses of Parliament, the River Thames and the London Eye.


We went into the Aquarium where we were entranced by all the creatures we saw.


We were very responsible in the Aquarium by not shouting or tapping on the glass which would scare the creatures.