See how we show Resilience
One of our values is Resilience and we are proud to share all the areas we are resilient in.
Resilient children have an ability to cope with change; they are able to take on challenges both physical and mental, not giving up easily, persevering and taking risks in the process.
Year 3
In 3 Maple, we had to show a lot of resilience when creating our light up Christmas cards in Design and Technology. It was our first time creating an electrical circuit, and sometimes it was very tricky to create our own paper circuits using copper tape. But we didn’t give up, and we all managed to make our cards light up!
Inaya A, Hamdaa, Ayaan S, Inaya I, Sara, Rayyan, Kausar, Samil and Arafat are holding up their beautifully designed Christmas cards.
We also showed resilience in Geography when we learnt about transport in London and the UK. Many of us had never used a tube map before, and we had to work hard to try and figure out the routes we could take to different places. We hope we can use the skills we learnt on our next school trip using public transport!
Kausar, Mariam, Yusuf and Samil are trying to work out how to get to Oxford Circus and Stratford from Stepney Green Station.
Year 1
In 1 Oak we are building our resilience. We face lots of challenges during our learning both at home and at school. We are learning to find ways to overcome challenges and not give up. We do our best and have a go at all activities.
Our teachers challenge us daily, and we work hard to find ways to overcome the challenges we face. We talk it through and find solutions on how to overcome it. Sometimes we need a little more support but once we feel confident we can face the challenge independently. Our teachers are always very supportive and proud of us.
During phonics and guided reading when we are learning new words or phrases we use our phonics and reading strategies and have a go. We stay positive and continue with our learning even if we are unable to read the words.
While in the playground we can climb on the climbing frame. We find navigating the steps and fireman's pole a challenge at times. It's a little high for some of us, but through resilience and motivation we have persevered and are now able to come down the fireman's pole confidently.
In Year1 Oak when things don’t go well and we feel anxious or disappointed for not getting it right the first time, by building our resilience over time we are becoming more confident at taking risks.
We have been learning to keep on trying when things are new or tricky, just like Incy Wincy Spider. This week, we had the chance to use different playground equipment. The Reception children really enjoyed the challenge of swinging across the monkey bars. It was not easy at first, but just like Incy Wincy spider, we kept on trying.
Year 2
In 2 Maple we have been concentrating on using our superhero learning powers by having a growth mindset and showing resilience.
In Design Technology we have been cooking and making fruit kebabs. We learnt different ways to hold the knife when cutting, including the claw grip and bridge hold. We found out that these cuts work better for different fruits.
Even when we found it tricky to use the knife we kept trying. We encouraged each other by working together and telling each other that we could be successful!
We have also been using African drums in music. We learnt different ways of playing the drum and created patterns of sound. Even when we found it difficult we kept on trying and instead of saying “I can’t do it” we said “I can’t do it yet”.
Year 5
In year 5 we have been learning a variety of new subjects and topics across the curriculum. Althou gh it can be really fun to learn new things, we all know that it can also be very challenging!
In Maths we have been converting and comparing fractions as well as adding and subtracting them too. This has been quite hard but we have continued to try every lesson and we have seen improvements and progress in our understanding.
In Geography we have been learning about volcanoes and earthquakes. There is a lot of new information to process and we have been using our core knowledge booklets to help.
Year 4
This week 4 Maple have shown resilience during their reading sessions, particularly when coming across unfamiliar words.
They have practised using a variety of strategies to understand the meaning of words and apply them appropriately in their work, such as finding context clues within the paragraph and using the thesaurus.
We work well with our learning partners to explore our reading and share ideas together.
Great work and keep up the excellent attitude to your learning!
Year 6
Year 6 are in Mersea!
They took part in lots of challenging activities where children demonstrated lots of resilience. Here are some examples of resilience in action.
The climbing wall
Nujhat and Ayaan didn't get to the top of the climbing wall at first but they persevered until they finally made it. Their resilience was even more impressive as they continued even when their hands were very cold.
The pole
Once they had climbed the ladder, Babacar and Sara had to climb to the top of the wobbly pole and stand on top of it. Next, they jumped off the pole and caught a metal bar! It was very difficult and quite scary. However, they didn’t give up.
They are having an amazing time on their residential.
So far Beth's group has completed archery and the zip wire.
The children have been showing resilience all day! We are so thankful for the weather but have been surprised by the mud! Everyone was so brave going down the zip wire despite it being so high. We cheered everyone on until our voices hurt!
Noora and Ishrat described their first day as "...exciting, fun but sometimes tricky. We are proud of ourselves and can't wait for tomorrow!"
Now that is great resilience!!