Headteacher's News 17.5.21
All the most recent news from Edith
Monday 17th May 2021
Dear parents and carers of Stepney Park Primary School,
I hope you all had a lovely Eid and/or day off. The children came back to school dressed beautifully and were full of stories about their day.
They had nice Eid parties, even though we were let down somewhat by our local supermarket, who delivered far less than we had ordered for the party food...! Our children took it in their stride and had a nice time anyway. This showed some resilience, one of the school values we want to instil in our children.
Enrichment clubs:
We will be starting a small number of enrichment clubs next half-term, letters will go out soon. The clubs will be charged at £1.00 per club per week. We will have a different Milestone each day from 3.30 to 4.30 pm:
MS1 (Yr 1+2) Tuesdays
MS2 (Yr 3+4) Wednesdays
MS3 (Yr 5+6) Thursdays
We will focus on sports and social skills in these clubs. Unfortunately, we will not have enough spaces for all children, but we will ensure that all children who did not get an allocation this term, will get a place next term.
'Healthy-Me Day' - wear your sports clothes!
We will be having a ‘Special Day’ this Wednesday,19th May. The children will come off their normal timetable that day and will be thinking about their health. We will be organising sports activities and other lessons which will focus on health. Children will not need to wear their normal uniforms that day, but may instead wear sports clothes. Leggings/tracksuit bottoms and t-shirts are recommended for this, alongside trainers. Please remember to send your child in with a water bottle every day, but especially on this day.
Take a look at the link on our website.
Queueing up at the end of the day:
I know that many parents arrive very early to queue up by the gates at the end of the day. Some parents do not join the end of the queue, but instead jump the queue when the gates are opened. I know how upsetting this can be, in particular for parents who are less able to queue up, for example due to pregnancy or disability. My advice to all parents is to consider arriving a bit later. Arrival between 3:30 - 3:35 pm will ensure that there is no queueing up at all, and you will still not be late to pick your child up.
Please remember to arrange non-urgent medical and dental appointments after the school day, so children do not miss out on any learning.
Reports and parents meetings reminder:
Reports will be emailed to you this week. We will be holding online parents meetings in the week beginning May 24th, your child’s teacher will be arranging a suitable time to meet you via a letter. This is a good time to ask the teacher about the progress your child has made this year and how you can support your child at home.
Kind regards,
Edith Philipsen
Headteacher- Stepney Park Primary School